American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008)


According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008), “Apply safeguards and decision making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers.”

American Association of College of Nursing. (2008). The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Retrieved from:
Course Competency:
Differentiate the impact of various communication technologies on safety and quality improvement.

You are a staff nurse at Healing Spaces Hospital, and through your dedication and passion for healthcare technologies, you have been voted as the nursing delegate to sit on the Emerging Innovations Steering Committee. In preparing for your first committee meeting you have read through the last year of meeting minutes and determined what the past nursing delegate had achieved and what future goals were set for this specific role. The meeting minutes from last month show that the steering committee is currently looking at emerging communication technologies and how the hospital can leverage cost effective technological advances. In preparation for the first meeting you have created a list of best practices based on your scholarly research and create a list of action plans for leveraging these into practice.

You have just walked into your first steering committee meeting and quickly see this committee is ready to move forward with levering technology specific to communication. As the nursing delegate, you have been tasked with creating a comparative analysis of two communication technologies and how they can be used to improve communication between healthcare teams as well as how it can influence patient outcomes. Before the next monthly committee meeting, they want you to send them a comparative analysis using a format of your choice (i.e. table) of two communication technologies that you feel best improve safety and quality healthcare. Write a comparative analysis including the following:
o Discuss the two selected communication technologies you have chosen with support from scholarly research

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