Affordable Housing and Intersectionality


The central research question is: In the last 15 years, how can the application of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality Theory interrogate the gentrification process to analyze affordable housing access for middle-income Black Americans, within the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of the Borough of Brooklyn, New York?

The researh questions are below and the areas to be discussed include: Affordable housing statistics in new yoork and brooklyn( average cost of apartments and owning a home in New York and Brooklyn and compare it to other states.

he central research question is: In the last 15 years, how can the application of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality Theory interrogate the gentrification process to analyze affordable housing access for middle-income Black Americans, within the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of the Borough of Brooklyn, New York?

Sub questions:

1.     How can the tenets of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality be used in this study to analyze the policy gaps between power structures and affordable housing options?

2.     To what extent can an analysis using the tenets of Intersectionality improve access to affordable housing for Black Americans in Bedford-Stuyvesant?

3.     Based on the perspectives of the planning staff from the New York City, Department of City Planning, what are the barriers and challenges associated with the implementation of affordable housing policies in New York?

-History of Affordable housing (should include statistical data that includes rent fees,

mortgagae rates, percentages of people who leave their communities due to being

priced out, avaerage salary, percentage of those who stay, etc.)

-Affordable Housing and New York City and Brooklyn (History of how the city has evolved and which neighborhoods has undergone

more revitalization.  Be sure to include Bedford-Stuyvesant  brooklyn, ny thay is the focal point)

-Affordable Housing and Rezoning (in this area ensure the impacts of rezoning.  Identify what rezoning is and how is it used in brookly


-Affordable Housing and Intersectionality(make the correlation of how affordable housing relates to intersectionality and the access

that Black Americans have to affordable housing. (stats can be used here)

-Affordable Housing and tenets of Critical Race Theory

-Affordable Housing and Middle Income (highlight what middle income and what it means in New York.  Identify how being middle income impacts opportunities for affordable housing. Stats are needed in this area)

-Barriers to Affordable Housing Among Black Americans(what are the barriers that black people experience trying to get affordable housing)

-Gentrification (Identify what is gentrification is)

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