Part I
Section I. Introduction
1. Purpose of Paper: I chose this topic because I want to know the relationship between________________________ and____________________________________________, and how strong the relationship appears.
2. Abstract: The importance of my topic, ________________________________, the investigative strategy, the results expected, and the conclusions are as follows.
3. Hypothesis:
The Hypothesis Format is If_______________________then_______________________________.
(An example of a hypothesis statement would be: “If a college student is studying hard for her final exam, then she will get an A on it.” If is the input, (the independent variable), then the output, (the dependent variable) will (describe the effect.))
Section II. Type of Research, Methods and Research Findings
4. Type of Research: The type of research used in this paper is correlation.
5. Method: To determine support or nonsupport for my hypothesis I will be doing a literature review to analyze and synthesize the findings of other researchers. Although using someone else’s work, words, or ideas, I have given the creator of that work credit with citations.
6. Conducting the Research Study: I reviewed and evaluated____10_____articles.
7. Major points from each article
These two major studies defend the hypothesis:
a) This article supports the hypothesis statement with the following points and relevant examples: ________________________
Literature Source:
b) This article supports the hypothesis statement with the following points and relevant examples:______________________________
Literature Source: __________________________________
These two major studies oppose the hypothesis:
This article does not support the hypothesis statement with the following points and relevant examples:________________ Literature Source: ________________
This article does not support the hypothesis statement with the following points and relevant examples: ________________________________
Literature Source: _________________________________
Main Points of Support
Main Points of Non Support
Main Points of Agreement
Main Points of Disagreement
7. Results: Compare and contrast major points. Summary_____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Testing of Hypothesis:(The Hypothesis is an educated guess. The Test is checking the educated guess.)
a) There are three possible results of my correlation study: a positive correlation, a negative correlation, and no correlation, and will be based on evaluating research articles.
b) Summary of support and non support:
My literature research, and all data that was analyzed, indicate that the findings support a ___________correlation.
Section III. Research Results and Summary of Findings
9) Conclusions and Discussion
From my critical examination of the research articles, I have concluded that the strongest supporting argument was____________________________________________________________________
IV. Recommendations
10. a) Limitations of this study: ____________________________________________________.
Further Research is needed to answer questions that remained unanswered in this study such as__________________________________________________________________________

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