Sociology Answer 1 Week 4

Question Description

Hello all

what I need is to read this Discussion from one of may classmates, give an answer and appreciation of what you think about it, at least one question between words, just 5 to 6 lines. thank you

Martina Therese Villar

RE: Discussion Prompt 1


Social mobility happens often within the United States. Social mobility refers to a person or a group of people transitioning from one system of society to another. To determine the social mobility of a society, sociologists use the concept of an open and closed system. An open system is when an individual holds a certain position because he/her received it through their own success. This kind of system emphasizes competition with people of the society. A closed system is a system which allows limited or no social mobility for an individual. Within these systems, there is also various kinds of mobility. Horizontal mobility is when an individual transitions from one social position to another of the same rank. On the other hand, vertical mobility is when an individual goes from one social position to another of a different rank. Intergenerational mobility is when changes of a child or children’s social position is similar to the parents. Similarly, intragenerational mobility are when changes of a person’s social position happens in adult life.

In the United States, occupational mobility occurs quite often. Occupational mobility refers to changes in a individual’s occupational status. One factor that impacts this specific mobility is education. The influence of education on employment has decreased within the years. Obtaining a degree, whether it be a Bachelors or Masters degree, doesn’t give a person a guarantee since many people hold the same degree or level of education nowdays. Furthermore, another factor that impacts mobility is race/ethnicity. Sociologists have studied that, “the class system is more rigid for African Americans than it is for members of other racial groups.” (Schaefer, p.185). African American rates for intergenerational social mobility has decreased, as they are more likely to stay at the bottom or in the middle of a system. This also applies to Hispanics as well, “The Latino wealth and asset picture is bleaker and more resembles that of African Americans.” (Schaefer, p.185). Lastly, another factor that influences occupational mobility is gender. Today, women are much more limited to job opportunities than men. While in contrast, women have more clerical occupations available to them. There are many other different things that contrast the differences between men and women.

In regards to my own social mobility, I think all these factors could potentially affect me. Even if I do obtain my Bachelors and Masters degree In the future, it doesn’t give me the same advantage or guarantee of receiving a job as much as it did before. Likewise, being an Asian American, some people in society today could look at my ethnicity and degrade me for it. At the same time, being a woman could also potentially and/or limit me to the opportunities of a man.


Schaefer, R. (2015). Sociology: A brief introduction (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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