Sql Queries 11

Question Description


You must implement the design as presented. To do so you must create a SCRIPT file that performs the following operations:

Drop the database if already exists. Create a database with a suggestive name. Mark that database as default. (0.05 points)
Create the tables with their relationship (FK constraints must be provided) (0.4 points)
Show the tables in the database and show the structure of the created tables (0.05 points)

In the PDF file, you must include your script and an execution of the script either in command line or in MySQL Workbench (screenshots). The source file/screenshots must be signed with your name during execution (e.g. including comments).

You must attach a runnable SQL SCRIPT (a text file), containing the code for both section 12 and section 13. If not included, or not runnable, no points will be given.


You must show the content and insert rows in the tables which have been created in the database (SECTION 11). To do so you must create a SCRIPT file that performs the following operations:

Insert at least 10 rows in each of the tables, if possible (0.8 points)
Show the content of the tables (0.2 points)

SECTION 13: SIMPLE QUERIES SCRIPT (2 points = 5*0.4 points)

Continue the script file from the previous section to perform the following ten types of queries.

For each query, you must include in the PDF file the following aspects:

A description in English of what the query is intended to do (this is what the query will be check against)
The source of the query
The resulted table after the execution of the query

It is very important that the query will make sense in the context of the database, i.e. one can imagine a real life scenario when such a query will be made. A query that makes no sense or does not follow the intended description will receive 0 points.

Construct ten queries, based on a single table and satisfying the following requirements

Query 1: Contains at least a calculated column and selects only some of the rows based on a condition
Query 2: Contains only some of the columns in the table and the condition contains at least one logical operator and a function, the results are ordered based on a simple criteria
Query 3: Contains only some of the columns in the table and the condition contains at least two logical operator and two or more functions, the results are ordered based on a two column criteria
Query 4: Contains all the columns in the table and the condition contains at least one logical operator and a function, the results are ordered in descending order
Query 5: Contains only some of the columns and a calculated column in the table and the condition contains at least one logical operator and a function, the results are ordered based on a complex criteria, with at least 3 columns involved, some columns ascending, some descending.


You must submit a PDF document with all the description of the project as required below
The MySQL script creating a database and making the required queries, that will implement the design completely.
You DO NOT have to generate MySQL script from MySQL Workbench.

File name

Template – S6 –

Before starting SECTION 11, attach the screenshot of your designed detailed ERD from the previous project (P3 STEP 5: CREATING DATABASE), for the reference.

SECTION 14 COMPLEX QUERIES SCRIPT (4 points = 10*0.4 points)

Based on the database created in your previous project (P3 STEP 5: CREATING DATABASE) , perform the following 10 types of complex queries.

For each query, you must include in the PDF file the following aspects:

A description in English of what the query is intended to do (this is what the query will be check against)
The source of the query
The resulted table after the execution of the query

It is very important that the query will make sense in the context of the database, i.e. one can imagine a real life scenario when such a query will be made. A query that makes no sense or does not follow the intended description will receive 0 points.

Construct ten queries, based on single and multiple tables. For queries involving more than one table use JOIN clause. Your queries must satisfy the following requirements:

Query 1: Contains only some of the columns in one table involving count function with distinct clause
Query 2: Contains only some of the columns in two tables with at least one aggregate function
Query 3: Contains only some of the columns in three tables involving a subquery
Query 4: Contains only some of the columns in three tables involving a GROUP BY statement and at least one aggregate function
Query 5: Contains only some of the columns in four tables involving a GROUP BY statement and HAVING clause
Query 6: Contains only some of the columns in three tables involving GROUP BY and a subquery
Query 7: Contains only some of the columns in at least four tables involving a GROUP BY and a subquery
Query 8: Contains only some of the columns in at least three tables involving a GROUP BY statement and HAVING clause and a subquery
Query 9: Contains only some of the columns in at least three tables involving both WHERE and HAVING clause
Query 10: Contains only some of the columns in at least three tables involving both WHERE and HAVING clause and a subquery

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