Ssume For A Moment That You Are Responsible For Planning Your Family S Next Summer Vacation

Question Description

assume for a moment that you are responsible for planning your family’s next summer vacation. Using the concepts of algorithms, schema, and heuristics, describe how you would go about planning this vacation.

You only need to use one of the terms. Be sure that you explain what you mean to ensure that you are using that term correctly.

If you’re unfamiliar you can find definitions for these terms in Chapter 8 of the webtext.

Think about how you decide on where to go, how you find your accommodations and/or travel arrangements, and what tools you decide to use to come to a decision.

To receive full credit, remember also to write 2 posts in the discussion: one original and a response to another student. Your original should be at least 7 sentences and your reply should be 4 sentences.

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