study and understand the IMRAD structure


Video 1:

Video 2:


Your purpose is to study and understand the IMRAD structure, which is very common in the sciences, social sciences, and professional/technical fields. Analyzing and understanding the features of the genre you’re working in makes comprehending the contents of the genre as well as producing work within that genre so much easier.


  1. Watch the videos above and take a few notes: Try to know, without looking back at any source, the purpose for each part of the genre (IMRaD). (Note: The second video is one I made for English 101–there is no “next video” as I mention at the beginning.)
  2. Now, do a quick search online for information about the IMRAD form–just Google the term peruse several sites that look valuable to you, perhaps searching for an image that explains the form.
  3. Respond to all questions below.


  1. What sites online did you look at? What did they offer that complemented (or contradicted?) what was presented in the videos above?
  2. In your own words, what is the purpose of each of these sections? What “goes in” each section? Note that Introduction and Discussion sections generally have multiple subsections (like 3 or maybe 4)–explain those.
    1. Introduction
    1. Methods
    1. Results
    1. Discussion
  3. In your view, why do you think the IMRAD form is so common in the sciences and technical fields?


Complete responses to all 3 questions: 20 points

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