Address to the questions below. Be sure to provide the source for your statement

Address to the questions below. Be sure to provide the source for your statement or question using APA Style. For example, if your statement is taken from an ethical code, provide the citation for the ethical code. Read the article, “Psst. Do You Want to Know a Secret.” 1.Is keeping information confidential a quality of counselors? Explain your response in at least two sentences, provide examples and citation of the information. For citation, you can use the ethical code associated with your major or the article above. 2.Can keeping protected information lead to a deeper level of involvement with a client? Explain your response in at least two sentences, provide examples and citation of the information.
3.Is confidentiality addressed in the ethical code associated with your major? State the standard with the identifying section number and title. Be sure to explain your response in at least two sentences with a citation of the information.
4. Are counselors held accountable for protecting confidential information and how? Be sure to explain this response in at least two sentences and provide examples and a citation of the information. For the citation, you can see if the ethical code associated with your major addresses sanctions for failure to comply with the ethical code. You can use the citation for the ethical code associated with your major or the article below. (My major is Clinical Mental Health)
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