Analyze the importance of information security and the potential consequences following a breach.

This activity will address module outcome 4. Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:
Analyze the importance of information security and the potential consequences following a breach. (CO 1, 2, 5)
There will be milestones during this course to help you complete your final project: a 12-15 page paper and a audio presentation.  Here are all of the project Milestones:
M1A2 Final Research Project Milestone: Topic Identification & Proposal
M2A2 Final Paper Milestone: Paper Topic & Abstract
M4A2 Final Paper Milestone: Literature Review
M6A2 Audio PowerPoint Presentation Milestone: Presentation Outline
M7A1: Final Paper Due
M8A1: Final Audio Powerpoint Presentation Due
For this milestone assignment (M1A2), please select a topic related to cybersecurity and prepare a proposal for your final research paper.
This one page proposal must contain the following:
A proposed title for the paper
A thesis Statement
An initial reference list of at least five (5) sources that you will use as evidence to further the argument
The majority of sources must be scholarly or authoritative in nature.
The proposal should be 1 page in length. Font should be 12 point, Times New Roman. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style (most current edition) for writing your assignment.

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