Do you find his evidence convincing?

Essay due: Kruse argues that America’s “public religion is, in large measure, an invention of the modern era.” Who, in Kruse’s telling, were the inventors? Do you find his evidence convincing? Why or why not?
Reading: Kruse, One Nation Under God, Part III and epilogue
Essay should: -Be no more than 750 words or three double-spaced pages. -Demonstrate meaningful engagement with the assigned reading. -Make your argument – think of the essays as opportunities to try to figure out what you think and why. Don’t simply report on what the reading said; instead, use what you learned from the reading to explain why you think what you do. The teaching team will grade your essays looking at four key elements: Does the essay make a clear, reasoned point? (30% of your essay grade) Does the essay respond effectively to the prompt? (30% of your essay grade) Does the essay effectively use examples and analysis from the reading to strengthen the argument? (30% of your essay grade) Does the essay have strong command of syntax and style? (10% of your essay grade)

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