What security measures are currently in place?

This is a 2 part assignment
In about 1/2 page
This week you will discuss security measures in TLM.  What security measures are currently in place? Are they effective? Why or why not? What are the challenges that exist in continuous process improvement? How do these security measures affect transportation and logistics management? You will have to conduct online research to complete this assignment. Likewise, you will need to select one mode of transportation to effectively discuss this topic in specific detail. Discuss in detail and provide sources to support your thoughts, insights, ideas, and statements.
In about 1 1/2 pages create a Literature review
Literature Review – This week you will expand your week 3 assignment (Attached) by adding more sources and evaluation of each source to develop a literature review.
1.Collect, organize, analyze, and critique 15 + peer-reviewed research articles that are related to a topic area and problem statement.
2.Write an introduction to your topic and the overall problem you are addressing.
3.Write a literature review.
4.Conclude your literature review with a summary of the gaps in the Literature and how this aligns with your research area of interest.
5. Your writing should follow the standards established in the course and in-text and end-of-text references should follow APA style manual format.

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