Address the event objectives and what went wrong. Tie this back to our key class components (budget, site selection, food and beverage, risk management

Event Support: Volunteer for an event and write a reflection paper: total possible points 50. You are welcome to volunteer for any event. If you want ideas for possible events on campus or in the community, please email Michelle and she will provide ideas. In your paper reflect on the execution of the event in the context of one of our key class components (budget, fundraising, site selection, food and beverage, risk management, branding, attendee journey, etc.).
Mega Event Disaster Reflection: Write a reflection report on a mega event that went poorly: total possible points 50. This can include the Astroworld Festival, TanaCon, Woodstock 99, Fyre Festival, and any others you discover or know about. Address the event objectives and what went wrong. Tie this back to our key class components (budget, site selection, food and beverage, risk management, branding, attendee journey, etc.)

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