Discuss the specific ESF.

Begin by selecting a contemporary safety issue for today’s first responders. Research a specific Emergency Support Function (ESF), and locate an article from the library that focuses on the protection of first responders or receivers who support your chosen ESF. Your article should have been published within the last decade; be peer-reviewed; and be published in a credible, academic journal.
Address the components listed below in your critique.
 Discuss the specific ESF.
 Describe how this function is focused on the protection of the first responders or receivers. ·
 Identify any practices or policies related to first responder safety, the role(s) of the safety officer, or first responder occupational health.
 Explain how this article shows consideration and evidence of how the protection of first responders or receivers within a community or workplace can be strengthened.
This assignment should follow APA 7 format.
Chehade, S., Matta, N., Pothin, J., & Cogranne, R. (2020). Handling effective communication to support awareness in rescue operations. Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management, 28(3), 307–323. https://doi-org.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/10.1111/1468-5973.12317

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