Write a mixed-method research proposal

This paper is for a mixed-method research proposal. The professor wants to see more integration of the mixed methods. Feedback: “This is a good start for your integrated story. I need to see how will you integrate the two studies and also if you plan to do the 3rd study what questions it will address and how it will advance or expand the insights from the second study. The integration chart was good. The front end remains a bit obscure as I do not see how the learning and your study question or theoretical frames really cohere and what is the contribution you are seeking- but you have time to sort it out still.” Additional feedback: “Sorry to say that this was not a pass- I need to see minimally something about the integration and related inferences as this is now totally missing from the proposal and as such it is not a full report of a mixed-method study.”
I am not sure how many pages are needed. Let’s start with 4 and add on as needed.

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