Why does this book matter?

write a short (~3 page) critical analysis essay that identifies and explains the argument the author is trying to make, evaluates that argument with supporting evidence from outside academic sources, and includes your own personal connection to the material to answer the question: “Why does this book matter?” Your analysis must include the evaluation of the author’s evidence for their main argument, research on the author’s qualifications, and an assessment of the credibility of the author’s argument.
Paper Requirements:
1. Introduction – Introduce the subject matter and include a thesis related to the question, “Why does this book matter?”
2. Summary – This is an academic summary of the entire book. It should not contain your opinions–just the facts. You should include:
A strong first sentence,
Information about the author(s) and an analysis of their qualifications,
An identification and explanation of the main point the author is trying to make, and
At least 3-5 main ideas paraphrased in your own words.
3. Argument Evaluation – This is where you evaluate the author’s argument using evidence from outside academic sources. Here you will tell us what you thought was most important, compelling, or new about the book and why. Evidence from the text in the form of quotes or paraphrasing is important. You can also point out holes in the work and what could have been better. Good questions to ask yourself are: What were the strengths and weaknesses of the book? Did the author convince you that the main points were valid? Was it easy or difficult to read? What would you change about the book? What was the most interesting part of the book? What is the least interesting? Remember that your argument must be supported by evidence from outside academic sources. This means using your library skills from ASU 120.
4. Personal Connection – In this paragraph you can explain with detail how you might apply the concepts from this book in your own life. You can give specific examples from the past, apply it to future situations, etc. If you don’t agree with the premise of the book, here you can explain why it wouldn’t work in your life. Remember, you are trying to show why the book matters (or why it doesn’t). This section is important to showing the value of the book in how it can apply in real life.
5. Conclusion – This will wrap up the essay with your tie to the main question, “Why does this book matter?” You can also suggest if you would recommend the book or who the best audience for the book might be.
Formatting Requirements:
Approximately 3 pages in length
A Works Cited or Reference Page
Consistent format for in-text citations and your Works Cited or Reference Page (either MLA or APA is acceptable as long as you are consistent and follow the rules for that style)
Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial
12-point Font
1-inch margins
Critical Book Analysis Rubric

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