Prepare your written speech addressing all the topics identified in your outline.

Imagine, you have just completed your CSU Global coursework and are planning to attend commencement in Denver. You skillfully used time-management to overcome the obstacles and challenges presented by other responsibilities to successfully complete your program. As a result of your hard work, you have been asked to prepare a presentation and speech to present at the commencement ceremony. Your presentation and speech should describe your journey and what you learned about your yourself as a leader. Include an experience from your first course and
share your future plans. Consider the individuals who helped you achieve this goal. Who do you want to be? This project is your story:
Start by preparing an outline of your story.
Consider some of the module topics in this course section headings (topics) for your outline and should include at least five topic areas.
Module 1 Your use of time management personally and professionally
Module 2 Your traits of leadership
Module 3 Your power to influence
Module 4 Your leadership style
Module 5 Your use ethical communication to influence
Prepare your written speech addressing all the topics identified in your outline. Your speech will be prepared in APA format with citations and references, as required. Consider what you would like to say to your colleagues, CSU Global faculty, friends, and family as you look back on your journey. Describe who you want to be as you look forward on your journey.
Prepare video recording of your graduation speech.
Guidelines and Options for Creating the Outline:
Your outline should be prepared in Word and submitted as part of your portfolio project.
Guidelines for the Written Speech:
750 – 1500 words required (not including Title or References pages). In double-spaced APA format. This will coincide with your Video recording allowing you 6-10 minutes for the Commencement speech.
Minimum of 5 academic references (from the Library).
Adhere to the guidelines in the CSU Global Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)
Guidelines for the Video Recording:
6-10 minutes recording. According to various sources, comfortable presentations range from 100-150 words per minute. Your time may vary based on how fast you speak. The goal is to make a comfortable presentation.
Your video speech can be recorded on your smart phone, on your computer using Zoom, Canvas (inside the course), Skype, Your recording file can uploaded with your assignment or you can upload a link to the file, if recorded using Zoom, etc.
ORG300 Mod 8 PP
ORG300 Mod 8 PP
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequirements
60 to >48.0 pts
Meets Expectation
The Portfolio includes all three of the required components, as specified in the assignment including the Outline, Written Speech, and Video Recording.
48 to >36.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
The Portfolio includes two of the required components, as specified in the assignment.
36 to >24.0 pts
Below Expectation
The Portfolio includes one of the required components, as specified in the assignment.
24 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
The Portfolio includes some of the required components, however the components are not submitted as specified in the assignment.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent- Outline
60 to >48.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Outline demonstrates strong knowledge of five module topics, as specified in the assignment.
48 to >36.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Outline demonstrates adequate knowledge of three-four module topics, as specified in the assignment.
36 to >24.0 pts
Below Expectation
Outline demonstrates fair knowledge of two-three module topics, as specified in the assignment.
24 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Outline fails to demonstrate fair knowledge of the module topics, as specified in the assignment.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSynthesis and Evaluation- Written Speech
60 to >48.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Written Speech demonstrates strong synthesis and evaluation of five module topics outlined, as specified in the assignment.
48 to >36.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Written Speech demonstrates adequate synthesis and evaluation of three-four module topics outlined, as specified in the assignment.
36 to >24.0 pts
Below Expectation
Written Speech demonstrates fair synthesis and evaluation of two-three module topics outlined, as specified in the assignment.
24 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Written Speech fails to demonstrate fair synthesis and evaluation of the module topics outlined, as specified in the assignment.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSynthesis and Evaluation – Video Recording
60 to >48.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Video Recording demonstrates strong synthesis and evaluation of five module topics outlined, as specified in the assignment.
48 to >36.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Video Recording demonstrates adequate synthesis and evaluation of three-four module topics outlined, as specified in the assignment.
36 to >24.0 pts
Below Expectation
Video Recording demonstrates fair synthesis and evaluation of two-three module topics outlined, as specified in the assignment.
24 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Video Recording fails to demonstrate fair synthesis and evaluation of the module topics outlined, as specified in the assignment.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources – Choice and Integration
60 to >48.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Cites and integrates at least five credible sources as specified in the assignment.
48 to >36.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Cites and integrates at least four credible sources as specified in the assignment.
36 to >24.0 pts
Below Expectation
Cites and integrates at least three credible sources as specified in the assignment.
24 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Cites and integrates less than three credible sources as specified in the assignment.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
40 to >32.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Project is clearly organized, well written, and in proper format. Conforms to project requirements for each of the four components, as specified in the assignment.
32 to >24.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Project is organized, adequately written, and in proper format. Conforms to most of the project requirements, as specified in the assignment.
24 to >16.0 pts
Below Expectation
Major problems in organization and writing; does not completely follow proper format. In a significant way does not conform to project requirements, as specified in the assignment.
16 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Project is not well organized or well written and is not in proper format. Does not conform to project requirements, as specified in the assignment.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Style
30 to >24.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Strong sentence and paragraph structure; few or no minor errors in grammar and spelling; appropriate writing style; clear and concise with no unsupported comments.
24 to >18.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Small number of significant but not major errors in grammar and spelling; generally appropriate writing.
18 to >12.0 pts
Below Expectation
Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development; work needed on grammar and spelling; does not meet program expectations.
12 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Poor quality; unacceptable in terms of grammar and/or spelling; inappropriate writing style that interferes with clarity.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates proper use of APA style
30 to >24.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Project contains proper APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with no more than one significant error.
24 to >18.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Few errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with no more than two to three significant errors.
18 to >12.0 pts
Below Expectation
Significant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with four to five significant errors.
12 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Numerous errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU Global Writing Center, with more than five significant errors.
30 pts
Total Points: 400

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