How does the author’s use of this device illustrate or express the theme?

Compose an analysis between 4-6 pages analyzing just one literary device, such as symbolism, metaphor, irony, foreshadowing, imagery or another technique and discuss how this contributes to the theme in one of the first four short stories on the syllabus. Theme is a fully articulated message the author is trying to send to the reader.
Choose only one device and show how it operates in the short story. Posit a debatable thesis statement and support it with specific textual evidence and quotations from literary criticism. Avoid biographical and historical information.
Both primary (from the short story, poem, play, etc) and secondary (scholarly) quotations are required. Make sure secondary sources are scholarly and speak directly about primary sources. Make sure secondary sources are not simply reference information or rudimentary websites, such as SparkNotes, Cliff’s Notes, yahoo voices or any non-scholarly sites. Download all attached files to assignments.
– Avoid writing the essay about foreshadowing in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” since we discussed that on the DB.
– Regardless of topic, all essays should address the following question: How does the author’s use of this device illustrate or express the theme? Be specific when articulating that theme.

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