Choose a learning theory and explain how it has impacted your role in workplace culture.

It’s a very important request. I am an international student, so I am not good at English, so please write in easy words and concise sentences)
Culture is an umbrella term describing the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, habits, norms, and overall social behavior of a human society. A cultural norm is a standard people in a society live by. For example, cultural norms in North America include making direct eye contact with a person you are speaking with, or saying “please” and “thank you” when asking someone to do something for you. In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to examine how human societies develop or adopt culture and cultural norms.
Using PowerPoint or Google Slides, create a presentation that explores how culture and cultural norms are learned. Your presentation should be about 8 slides and address each item below. In addition to the information in each slide, please add speaker notes to the slides to include a narrative about what you would say, if you were presenting this in class.
Define the three learning theories discussed in class: Operant Conditioning, Classical Conditioning, and Learning by Observation. For each of these, include the important concepts of the learning theory and an example. (At least one slide for each is recommended)
Operant Conditioning: Positive/Negative Reinforcement, Positive/Negative Punishment, and Reinforcement Schedules should be addressed.
Classical Conditioning: Conditioned/Unconditioned Stimulus, Conditioned/Unconditioned Response, and Neutral Stimulus should be addressed.
Learning by Observation: The four conditions required for learning by observation – attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation – should be addressed.
Choose a learning theory and explain how it has impacted your role in workplace culture. (Think back to our critical analysis of The Office). If you do not have experience in the workplace, you can consider a different culture, such as your high school or church.
Build your model of Learning Theories by choosing one of the following columns and addressing each statement in that column.
For the number 2 (Choose a learning theory and explain how it has impacted your role in workplace culture. (Think back to our critical analysis of The Office). If you do not have experience in the workplace, you can consider a different culture, such as your high school or church.)
I worked as a cook in a restaurant for few months.

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