This is just a literature review of a bigger project. My purposed research Quest

This is just a literature review of a bigger project. My purposed research Question is:
The 2016- 2020 Trump Presidency affected the United States in many aspects including a backslide in a democracy that threatens the nation, will the Trump movement in the United States threaten future elections and slide into an authoritarian populism government structure?
Feel free to modify if need be, but stick to a similar theme.
II. Literature Review
A. What methods and techniques have been used to study an issue similar to yours? Were these methods and techniques the most appropriate for
this study? Why or why not?
B. How will your research contribute to the existing body of knowledge in political science? In other words, to which specific fields in the political
science literature will your research proposal be relevant?
This is the general layout, I have attached the rubric and some sources that might be useful for this project. If you need to make drastic changes to the research question please let me know beforehand.

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