After showing your boss the latest draft of the report, they review it and congr

After showing your boss the latest draft of the report, they review it and congratulates you on a “great start!” Then, they proceed to explain to you that finding local grants is only part of the report, not the whole thing. As such, your boss gives you the following instructions:
Add to your current report by expanding your research and find (at least) 1 state-wide grant and (at least) 1 national grant that either CALY or AOTA are eligible for; you get to choose which non-profit you want to do research for
Add the young non-profit you found from the previous report as a new community partner and find 1 local grant as well as 1 state or national grant for them and add it to this report
After finding grants for both non-profits, CALY or AOTA and the new community partner, you will outline important information for each grant, including but not limited to: eligibility guidelines, prioritized projects/proposals, application process, deadlines, past recipients, etc.
Once you have the necessary information, you will need to translate your report into a PPT presentation to present to the non-profits (i.e. AOTA or CALY & your community partner) the options they have available to expand their grant portfolio
Your PPT presentation slides are imperative for your CEP Part III – PRESENTATION; make sure to include the following:
Title slide
Individual introduction (your name, major, grad semester, fun fact, etc.)
Agenda slide
Local grants (& relevant info)
State grant(s) (& relevant info)
National grant(s) (& relevant info)
Individual Reflections
Connections between community engagement & social justice
Connections between community engagement & professional development
Relevant lessons learned or skills hone through this assignment
In the end, you will upload:
(1) the latest comprehensive report (organized and clean)
(2) your research notes (drafts, extra info, messy, etc.)
(3) the PPT presentation slides (organized and clean)
PPT Slides guidelines
No more than 5 bullets of information per page (avoid full sentences, only use key words and phrases); no more than 30 words in each slide
Each slide must include a title and1 image
Use same font, size (24pt), text color (dark), etc. across all slides/keep them uniform
Be creative but adhere to instructions and guidelines

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