Included in this week’s readings was material from AARP that focused on its poli

Included in this week’s readings was material from AARP that focused on its policy and advocacy efforts to improve the health of all senior Americans. One area covered concerned that Health Care System and the need for affordable quality care for all seniors under the Affordable Care Act (ACA ); access to quality care; and, strategies to reduce high healthcare costs including those of prescriiption drugs. AARP is also involved in Policy Advocacy at the state level.
Using the following link AARP in Your State (Links to an external site.)
Begin by selecting several states from the drop-down menu on the right and briefly scan each to determine which state might have sufficient involvement in advocacy activities to enable you to complete this assignment.
Then choose one state which addresses some of the health care system areas highlighted in italics above and identify at least 2-3 initiatives at the state level AARP has identified as policy activities which support improving healthcare for seniors.
In 1 to ½ pages summarize these activities and discuss how you believe they have the potential to reduce disparities in health and healthcare for seniors.
Your submission should be completed as a WORD document using double spacing and 12-point typeface. The assignment is due Saturday by 11:59 pm.
Written assignment rubric…
Inquiry & Analysis (3 points)
Assignment displays in depth exploration and analysis of key elements and issues in order to present an informed conclusion. Analysis includes supporting statements that integrate material from the text, readings and other outside resources, or examples.
Comprehension (3 points)
Student demonstrates full understanding of material and key concepts by incorporating relevant unique examples and personal perspective into the assignment.
Organization (3 points)
Information is relevant and presented in a logical order. A strong conclusion is present.
Professional Communication (3 points)
Writes clearly and concisely with no errors related to organization, grammar, style, and citations

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