Choose a well-known brand. Analyze your chosen brand by applying what you’ve le

Choose a well-known brand. Analyze your chosen brand by applying what you’ve learned about advertising in this class. Follow all the instructions given to include in the content.
Your paper should be written in APA style and should be 3-5 pages long, double spaced, 10-12pt font. You must include in-text citations and a properly formatted reference page.
Include the following information:
Name of the brand & the company that owns the brand
The slogan or brand mantra
Type of product or service (shoes, food, tools, carpet cleaning, etc)
A brief history of the brand
The brand’s target audience – Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Unique Selling Proposition / unique qualities and what the brand promises to deliver
The Creative strategies used in the advertisements- Print, Radio, TV, Billboards, etc.
The nature of the visuals used in the ads ( photos, graphics, colors, etc) — include examples
Description of the ad copy (emotions evoked by the copy, writing style, any common copywriting mistakes, etc)– include examples
Types of media the brand uses to advertise — include examples
Social Media presence/strategies, Website, blogs any innovative measures used.
Use of social influencers, website, apps etc used as part of the campaign.
Sales Promotion and Event sponsorships, product placement, branded entertainment efforts (were these efforts successful, or did they fail?)
PR efforts –for promotion – has the brand ever been in a PR situation to enforce damage control
Efforts to promote Corporate Social Responsibility –activities to promote the company’s image.
Your own impression on the impact of the campaign.
Your learning experiences from this course.
The book for this course is included for reference.

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