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Home » To complete the assignment, you will read a brief epidemiological study (Lyme Di

To complete the assignment, you will read a brief epidemiological study (Lyme Di

    To complete the assignment, you will read a brief epidemiological study (Lyme Disease Study) and critique it using the criteria below.
    Collection of Data:
    Why was the study done? (what was the author’s goal or hypothesis)
    What type of study was it? (i.e., case-control, cohort, etc.)
    How was the sample size determined?
    How were the study subjects selected? Does this sampling method seem reasonable?
    How was the ratio of cases to control subjects determined?
    Could there have been bias in the selection of the subjects, and if so, how likely might this bias have affected the data?
    Could there have been bias in the collection of information, and if so, how could this observation bias have affected the data?
    Establish whether there’s a cause-effect relationship
    Analysis of Data:
    Describe and criticize methods used to control confounding
    Describe and criticize methods used to measure the association between exposure and
    disease (i.e., odds-ratio, relative risk)
    Interpretation of Data:
    Present the major results of the study
    How might bias, confounding or chance have affected the results?
    To whom (what population) might the results of this study be generalized?
    You will also be required to read materials on epidemiological study design and flaws, which may be found on the course website (Epidemiology Reading Packet).
    paper should be two to three pages in length, single-spaced and in bulleted in format, preferably in 11 point Calibri type (no larger than 12 point size). The paper should read fluidly, with an introduction, bullet point answers addressing these points and any others you feel are germane to the paper objectives, and a conclusion/summary. To be very clear, you should answer each of the above questions with a brief bullet point answer, and only your introduction and conclusion should be in paragraph format

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