Reflect on a workplace violence situation you have either witnessed, experienced

Reflect on a workplace violence situation you have either witnessed, experienced, or heard about in a professional setting. Write 1–2 pages analyzing this experience using the following prompts:
What factors are increasing the epidemic of workplace violence? Why are these factors increasing workplace violence?
Identify 2–3 variables that individuals have control over and how they can help prevent workplace violence.
Provide examples of two strategies you can implement to reduce workplace violence as a future nurs
Submission and Assessment Guidelines
The activity should follow APA (7th ed.) format and be no more than 1–2 double-spaced pages in length. This does not include the title or reference pages.
Be sure to cite your sources.
Submit your written assignment as a Microsoft Word document through Turnitin.
Review the Writing Assignment Rubric for grading criteria. For instructions on how to view this rubric, review Viewing Rubrics in Canvas on Turnitin Assignments

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