This week you will submit your presentation based on your recommendation report.

This week you will submit your presentation based on your recommendation report. It will consist of approximately seven slides, accompanied by a video and an audio recording of approximately 7 minutes in total (or about 1 minute per slide). Please see the Changing Corporate Culture Project Overview for all of the assignment requirements and refer to the Assignment Connection in the Week 7 Lesson for more tips and advice on creating an effective presentation with video and audio narration.
Important Note:
In creating your video and audio presentation, keep in mind the following advice.
A presentation is meant to be a high-level overview. It is not intended to be as detailed as the recommendation report. Assume that your audience has access to your recommendation report, and don’t try to cram too much information into the slides.
Reports and proposals are primarily text-based documents, but presentations are highly visual. Make your slides visually engaging by providing charts, graphs, and illustrations.
For each slide, try to limit the number of bullets to about four and the number of words in each bullet phrase to 10 or fewer. Use phrases with strong verbs rather than whole sentences.
Video and audio quality are clear, can be seen and can be heard.
Presentation is peer reviewed.
his week you will submit your presentation based on your recommendation report. It will consist of approximately seven slides, accompanied by an audio recording of about 7 minutes in total (or about 1 minute per slide).
The basic slide structure should be as follows.
Title slide with title of presentation, student name, name of the class, and the date
An overview or contents slide previewing the main points to be covered
A current situation slides analyzing the current state of the organization and making the case for cultural change
An objectives slide explaining the goals of the proposed cultural change
A Deliverables slide with a timeline showing how and when each stage in the culture change plan will be implemented
A costs/ROI slide providing an overview of the costs and benefits of this cultural change.
A reference’s slide, including all sources cited in the presentation in APA format.
In creating your video and audio presentation, keep in mind the following advice.
A presentation is meant to be a high-level overview. It is not intended to be as detailed as the recommendation report. Assume that your audience has access to your recommendation report, and don’t try to cram too much information into the slides.
Reports and proposals are primarily text-based documents, but presentations are highly visual. Make your slides visually engaging by providing charts, graphs, and illustrations.
For each slide, try to limit the number of bullets to about four and the number of words in each bullet phrase to 10 or fewer. Use phrases with strong verbs rather than whole sentences.
Video and audio quality are clear, can be seen and can be heard.
Peer Review your presentation (10 points)

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