Complete the requirements in each step in a Microsoft Word document. Step 1: Rh

Complete the requirements in each step in a Microsoft Word document.
Step 1: Rhetorical Situation
State Your Community Problem: What is the problem you have chosen to analyze? Make sure that it is not one of the prohibited topics. Is this a problem that affects your local, professional, or academic community? Will you explain the causes OR effects of the problem?
Describe Your Target Audience: Who is your specific audience within your community? What do they know about your chosen problem already? Why do they care? What do you need to explain to them about this problem? What details do you know about your audience that you can incorporate into your project?
Explain Your Purpose: What is your purpose in writing this analysis to your audience? What do you hope to accomplish? What is the new information, understanding about the problem you will have your audience gain from reading your analysis?
State Your Working Thesis: Create a thesis statement to guide your analysis. Ask yourself: What is the main idea I’m trying to communicate to my audience? Your thesis should convey this main idea and preview your analysis in one succinct sentence. Avoid “should/must/need to” statements. Don’t tell your audience what they should do. Make them aware of the problem and its 2-3 main causes or effects that you will analyze to inform them.
Describe the Genre Features: Which genre or form of text (a report or an article in a community newsletter) have you selected for your problem analysis? Why is this genre an effective choice for your topic, target audience, and purpose?
Step 2: Multimodal Elements
Next, list at least three multimodal elements that you plan to use in your project. Explain how each element will enhance your audience’s understanding of the problem.
Some possible multimodal elements include:
Audio/video clips
Charts and graphs
Call out quotes
Remember, these need to complement the genre you are using while highlighting key points and/or enhancing understanding of your analysis in some way. Include properly formatted APA citations for any content you find.
Step 3: Questions
Last, list 2-3 questions you have as you prepare to research your topic in greater depth.
What do you need to know about the issue?
Whose perspectives will help you better understand it?
What specific feedback do you need from your instructor to help you develop this project?

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