My degree: is a BSBA with a concentration in Financial Services i choose this de

My degree: is a BSBA with a concentration in Financial Services
i choose this degree because of my knowledge of business. question C. I own a clothing store called chachaworld.
there’s an attachment with the sample on how this assignment should be. if you have any question, let me know
Your Task:
Write an e-mail of introduction
In your message include the following:
a. Your reasons for choosing your degree plan
b. Your career goals
c. A brief descriiption of your employment (if any, and if not of your favorite activities)
d. An assessment of your current communication skills, including your strengths and
Please remember this email should have a clear introduction, body, conclusion. In
addition, please remember to include the ‘subject’ line.
Should be no more than one page, see rubric.
Please post as a word document attachment. With this in mind, you will need to
manually add the “To”, “From”, “Date”, and “Subject”.

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