Literature homework help. ENGL2310: Essay 1 Assignment Due by Saturday, May 23, at 11:59pm Central
In Weeks 2 and 3 of class, we’re looking at postcolonial theory as an approach for literary analysis,
reading The Epic of Gilgamesh in its entirety, and reading Acts I and II of The Tempest. The Essay 1
assignment will combine each of these three things. Follow formal writing conventions: scholarly
language; APA or MLA citation style (you can skip the abstract!); and clear organization (an identifiable
introduction and conclusion with several separate body paragraphs in between).
Here’s the path for an effective postcolonial analysis:
1. Select one of the themes of postcolonial theory that you would like to explore. This will be
the lens through which you look at the literature. You’ll find a list in the postcolonial theory
video. If you would like to focus on a theme outside of that list, double-check with me first.
2. Describe how the lens fits into postcolonial theory and explain why it’s a promising choice
for the literature. What ideas can be included in that lens? Why is it a worthwhile lens for
discussing these particular stories?
3. Apply that lens to The Epic of Gilgamesh and Acts I and II of The Tempest. How does the theme
function within these stories? What tensions and insights arise? Are there valuable similarities
and differences between how the theme is represented in these two works? Remember that the
ultimate goal of a postcolonial literary analysis is to use the literature as a means to make a
broader point about the theme, a point that goes beyond the pages of the stories. Ultimately, the
analysis should answer this question: What does the literature teach us about how (your chosen
theme) works?
Assessment Rubric (70 pts)
Description of theory 10
Rationale for selection 10
Application of lens 10
Rhetorical style 10
Organization and structure 10
Mechanics 5
Documentation 5
Reflection (after feedback) 10
Additional advice:
As much as your schedule allows, write this essay slowly and in a few different sessions. Write a first
draft, leave it alone for a while, and then come back to it. Your brain will be working on it in the meantime
even when you aren’t aware, and a little separation often brings clarity. Plan ahead and submit a draft to
the UIW Online Writing Center.
Your essay should be a postcolonial analysis, not just a character study or a general discussion of symbols
in the literature. If you need any help working through those ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out. Also,
please be sure to check out the Postcolonial Themes Cheat Sheet in case you aren’t sure how to go about
applying your chosen lens to the writing.
There isn’t a required length, but successful essays are generally between 900 and 1,300 words in length.
If it’s shorter, your analysis may not be deep enough or include enough specific examples from the text. If
it’s longer, you may have included too much plot summary or other padding. Use the rubric as a guide.
There’s no need to include much (if any) plot summary. Write as though your audience is already familiar
with the story: they may need a few brief reminders here and there, but they do not need you to rehash
the entire plot.
You are welcome to bring outside sources into your essay, but do not over-rely on the ideas of others.
Your sources should support your ideas, not stand in for your ideas, so outside material shouldn’t be more
than 20% of the essay. Do some prewriting to list your own thoughts and insights before looking to any
outside sources.
Remember the style advice from the Guide to Literary Analysis video. If you have any questions about
these style conventions, please ask!
Essay 1 Assessment Rubric
Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Deficient
escription of
A concise yet comprehensive
description of the theoretical
lens providesthe foundation
for the critical analysis
10 9
A description of the theoretical
lens providesthe foundation
for the critical analysis.
Description may be verbose
distracting attention from the
argument and critical analysis.
8 7
A brief and possibly
underdeveloped description
of the theoretical lens
provides a basic foundation
for analysis.
6 5 4
A summary of theory is given, but
no attempts are made at relating it
to the critical analysis.
3 2 1
Rationale for
The logic and rationale for the
choice of critical analysis are
clearly & cohesively established.
The writer explains how/why
the selection was made.
10 9
The logic and rationale for the
choice of critical analysis are
described; however, this may
not be clearly developed
throughout the analysis.
8 7
The rationale for the choice of
critical analysisis explained.
This explanation may be
highly subjective and/or
logically evasive.
6 5 4
There is no explanation of
the purpose forselection of
critical lens.
3 2 1
Application of
Clear, thorough understanding
of postcolonial critique is
demonstrated through
systematic analysis using the
critical lens. The writer uses
many specific textual citations
to support argument claims.
10 9
A solid understanding of postcolonial critique is
demonstrated through
analysis using the critical lens.
The writer uses a few specific
textual citationsto support
argument claims.
8 7
A rudimentary understanding
of postcolonial critique is
demonstrated through
attempts to use the chosen
critical lens. The writer
attemptstextual citations but
they may not sufficiently
support argument claims.
6 5 4
No application of post- colonial
critique evident. The essay is
merely a plot summary or basic
character analysis and does not
attempt to incorporate a critical
3 2 1
hetorical styl
The writing is clear and concise
with attention to purposeful
selection of communication
elements. A variety ofsentence
structuresisincorporated for
effortlessflow of ideas. Vocab is
sophisticated and appropriate
to the critical analysis.
10 9
The writing is clear with some
purposefulselection of
communication elements. A
variety of sentence structures
is incorporated for largely
cohesive flow of ideas.
Vocabulary is functional.
8 7
The writing is either unduly
verbose or distractingly
choppy. Little variety in
sentence structuresimpedes
the overall flow of ideas.
Vocab is basic & generalized
rather than appropriate to
the critical analysis.
6 5 4
Little apparent attempt at
inclusion of rhetorical elements.
Little variety in sentence
structures impedesthe overall
flow of ideas. Vocabulary is basic
and generalized rather than
appropriate to the critical analysis.
3 2 1
Argument is logically organized
with a clear and suitable pattern
of organizational development.
10 9
Argument is organized with an
easily identified pattern of
organization that may not
particularly suit the selected
critical analysis.
8 7
Argument incorporates basic
structure that may not suit
analysis. Structure and
organization seem imposed
rather than naturally
enhancing the critical analysis.
6 5 4
Little or no evident planning in
organization and structure. The
essay meanders without a pattern
of development.
3 2 1
Essay is completely free of errors
in grammar, spelling, and
punctuation. Conscious efforts
to revise and edit are evident.
Essay is free of distracting
errorsin grammar & spelling.
Some errors in punctuation are
noticeable but do not affect
meaning and communication.
Noticeable errors in spelling,
grammar, and/or punctuation
prove quite distracting.
Prevalent problems with
sentence fragments and runons impact meaning and
overall communication.
Serious errors in spelling,
grammar, and/or punctuation
prove quite distracting. Severe
problems with sentence fragments
and run-ons impact meaning and
overall communication. A distinct
lack of proofreading and editing is
2 1
Proper APA/MLA citation format
and conventions are consistently
upheld throughout the entire
essay. References/Works Cited
page is complete and correct.
Proper APA/MLA citation
format and conventions are
displayed throughout most of
the essay. There may be some
areas where clearer citation is
recommended. References/
Works Cited page is complete
and correct.
APA/MLA citation format and
conventions are attempted
but perhaps inconsistently
and/or incompletely. Some
areas may be approaching
plagiarism. References/Works
Cited page is complete but
with some minor errors in
No clear attempts at APA/MLA
citation format or conventions.
Plagiarism is possible.
References/Works Cited page is
incomplete and/or incorrect with
serious errors that may constitute
Literature homework help