Length: 5 pages (double spaced, 12-point font) Question: Should the Manson murders be considered a political case? Why or why not? You might consider ideology, memory, law, race, gender, class, etc. You may, but you do not have to limit yourself to events of 1969-1971, i.e., to the restricted history of the murders and the trial. In other words, it could also be more appropriate to explore what, over the course of fifty years, the Manson case reveals about the politics of the legal system or about gender in American culture Must use MLA Format for work cited and cite all your sources Attached below are some readings and websites to cite from to help the essay. Must include some of these as well as outside sources https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/charles-manson-today-the-final-confessions-of-a-psychopath-58782/ http://www.mansondirect.com/interviews.html attachment EmmaClineTheGirls30pp-1.pdf attachment BravinSqueaky40pp..pdf attachment FrommeReflexion.pdf attachment ONeillPiepenbringChaosCh.9.pdf

Length: 5 pages (double spaced, 12-point font)
Question: Should the Manson murders be considered a political case? Why or why not? You might consider ideology, memory, law, race, gender, class, etc. You may, but you do not have to limit yourself to events of 1969-1971, i.e., to the restricted history of the murders and the trial. In other words, it could also be more appropriate to explore what, over the course of fifty years, the Manson case reveals about the politics of the legal system or about gender in American culture
Must use MLA Format for work cited and cite all your sources
Attached below are some readings and websites to cite from to help the essay. Must include some of these as well as outside sources





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