NR305 Week 4 iHuman Nurse Notes Template Directions: 1. Read all directions o

NR305 Week 4 iHuman Nurse Notes Template
1. Read all directions on the NR305 Week 4 assignment directions page.
2. Complete the Week 4 Neurovascular Assessment: Athena Washington case in iHuman before completing this template.
3. Submit the iHuman case for grading by iHuman. (You may submit 2 attempts before the deadline.)
4. Do not delete any of the content/questions currently on this template.
5. Answer each item below. Read the directions carefully in each question and answer them fully. Reminder: You can refer back to the iHuman case as needed to help you complete this template.
6. Submit the completed template on the Week 4 assignment page. (Your instructor will grade the Nurse Notes and provide feedback in the grading comments.)
7. Please check for proper grammar and spelling prior to submission as this is part of the rubric.
Complete each item below:
1. Write an SBAR note (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations) to summarize Ms. Washington’s current assessment and health status. This SBAR note will be reviewed by the emergency department physician caring for Ms. Washington. Hint: Since Ms. Washington is in need of emergent care, a brief review of your focused assessment is appropriate with a focus on the priority findings. Recommendations should relate to next steps in care. To develop your note, type the appropriate information after each letter below.
S –
B –
A –
R –
2. Identify two other healthcare team professionals with whom you would collaborate when caring for Ms. Washington.
3. In a one paragraph response, what findings in your iHuman assessment led you to select these two providers?
4. In a one paragraph response, describe the role each of the two identified healthcare professionals would have in providing Ms. Washington with individualized, patient-centered care. Cite your resources in your paragraphs and list your reference(s) after your response.

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