How has the US both shaped and responded to international legal institutions, conventions, approaches, and doctrines?

Hello please read the instructions below very carefully. You are required to answer 2 essay prompts 5 pages for each for each question for a total of 10 pages. There are two different questions which means that they are two different essays. The first question is: “The early-mid twentieth century saw a significant shift – from European colonial empires to a global order defined by the ascendance of the United States to superpower status. In your essay, discuss and analyze the history and significance of US global dominance for international law (IL) since the early twentieth century. How has the US both shaped and responded to international legal institutions, conventions, approaches, and doctrines? In what ways has the “War on Terror” both continued and diverged from previous practices in terms of laws of war, universal rights and protections, and International Law?”
The second question is: “Throughout this course, we have seen how sovereignty has been a foundational but also fraught concept in the development of international law (IL). For this essay, discuss and analyze the major shifts, debates, and schools of thought that have evolved regarding sovereignty from the early twentieth century until the present day. What approaches to sovereignty were developed the newly independent countries of the “Third World”? How did these actors view and conceive of international law, especially international economic law, human rights law, and their respective governance institutions? And how has sovereignty been shaped most recently by global challenges?”
Please have a strong thesis statement for each prompt answering the question in the introduction and outline what your main body paragraphs will be discussing. Please use the three main body paragraphs to answer the several questions within the questions above and thoroughly explain your points proving your thesis statement. In order to explain your answer and your viewpoint please use all the sources provided including Class lectures and readings as in text citations including page number and or slide number from the power points. PLEASE USE ALL SOURCES PROVIDED. I even outline what sources to use for either question 1 or question 2, please follow these guidelines. You are only permitted to use 3 outside scholarly sources per essay prompt, please do not exceed the limit of 3 per question. Please make sure your conclusion is strong summarizing your answers and tying your viewpoints together. I have provided the full instructions in a word document below please follow them very carefully. Please take everything stated above into strong consideration when writing. Thank you very much. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

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