Explain in your profile the reason you selected that individual and why you believe he or she is important in our country’s history.

Write a two-page biography of an important individual in the history of the United States. Explain in your profile the reason you selected that individual and why you believe he or she is important in our country’s history. On the third page, please include a Works Cited Page of your sources. I have chosen the following individuals for you to make your selection: *attachment* ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE TYPED (DOUBLE-SPACED/ 12 FONT/ ONE-INCH MARGINS). SOURCES–Use three different legitimate sources—A BOOK (EXCLUDES Textbooks, Dictionaries, and Encyclopedias—THIS INCLUDES WIKIPEDIA–You may find sources from viewing Wikipedia entries) SCHOLARLY JOURNAL or MAGAZINE, and an INTERNET source. Utilize sources that aid you in discovering historical information or background in each writing assignment.

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