Have you witnessed unethical practices in the workplace?

There is also video I will provide login. SafeAssign is a tool used by faculty to evaluate ethical writing. The tool calculates the percentage of your writing that is not your own words or from another source. Writing that is not your words may also be referred to as plagiarism or unoriginal content is a violation of the academic integrity policy and can result in sanctions up to and including expulsion. We have the Safe Assign Draft Review in the course – Please find and use the tool in preparation for the Week 4 assignment. Review the following: What is Plagiarism _3_.mp4 Avoiding plagiarism.JPG . SWS Citation Generator Tool – Source List SWS Citation Generator Tool – In-Text Post your response to the following: Go to any page located on your selected company’s website, Using the SWS Citation Generator tool – Source List, create and post an SWS formatted source List citation. Using the SWS Citation Generator tool – In-Text Citation, create and post an SWS formatted in-text citation. Please confirm that you have located the Safe Assign Draft area in Blackboard Ethics in Business Have you witnessed unethical practices in the workplace? If so, share your experience with the class and explain how this impacted your perception of the business. If not, find a current example of unethical business practices, share the source, and explain how you would have handled this situation differently. Respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts on Ethics in Business and be sure to cite your sources using SWS in-text and source list formatting. Monika Hayes RE: Week 3 Discussion Good afternoon classmates and Professor Sanderfer, Thinking about the topic and reading this week’s chapter 6 made me understand that some rules and regulations did not add up to the ethical code in my previous job at a pharmaceutical plant. You had supervisors and managers who were just in the position to move into the corporation. That is okay, but if all you can do is complain about what is constantly done wrong and never appreciate your employees. To me, this is considered selfish. The textbook (Lawrence,2019, pp.101) states that “Self-promotion, a focus on self-interest to the point of selfishness, and greed are traits commonly observed in an ethical egoist” In this situation, you can go to HR and report it. Still, there is a possibility nothing would get done in this situation for me. Still, as the supervisor over that particular line, the employees did not like how they acted, so, in return, we did not perform to the best of our ability. In the long run, that made them not look so well, and they moved them to another area. Reference: 1. Lawrence, A. (2019). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy (16th Edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). https://strayer.vitalsource.com/books/9781260140545

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