
A. Select a topic that interests you from the following list:Chief information officer (CIO)Information systems governanceInformation systems outsourcingOffshoringTotal cost of ownership (TCO)AgileBusiness analystCustom software developmentDevOpsEnd-user developmentEnd-user involvementEnd-user resistanceInformation system project managementOff-the-shelf applicationOpen sourcePrototypingScrumShadow ITSystem analystSystem architectSystem development life cycle (SDLC)System implementationSystem selection and acquisitionSystem specificationSystem testingUser interface designB. Using books, the library, peer-reviewed journals and/or the Internet, research the selected topic. Use at least two (ideally three or more) references. At least one reference should be a peer-reviewed journal article from Baker’s online library. The course textbook and/or course notes will not count toward the minimum required references.C. Create a PowerPoint slide document with a minimum of seven (7) slides including:Title slideThree or more slides that present at least three aspects of your selected topic in the following list:Definition of the conceptMain components the conceptMain functions/roles of the conceptApplications and use contexts associated with the conceptAdvantages of the conceptNegative aspects/risks associate with the conceptHow the concept is different than similar othersHow the concept is related to other conceptsFuture trends of the conceptAny other aspect that is relevant to and appropriate for the conceptSummary/conclusion slideReferences slideQuestions/Comments slide with an invitation for other students to ask questions via the discussion boardD. Using Screencast-O-Matic, you will record a 5-10 minute video presentation. The video should show your face, your voice, and the slides. Review the instructions and tutorials on video/oral presentation in Module 1 before creating your presentation if needed.E. Save your presentation video to your computer and then upload the video as an attachment to a discussion board with the topic title and student name, or save the video to Screencast-O-Matic (or another online platform) and paste a link to the recording in the discussion board. Submit the video or link to the assignment link at the same time.F. View presentations of other students, make comments and ask questions. Reply to questions and comments from other students and your instructor.The Video Presentation will be evaluated using the following rubric. Please carefully review it and use it as a supplemental instruction to develop your presentation.

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