Discuss any difficulties you had in creating this work and how they were overcome.

One person from team / group submits project documents.
Submit your group’s PowerPoint game.
Project/Live Presentation
Each team will present the collective project work in class as follows:
The team presentation will take about 20 -30 minutes.
(Use can use a separate PowerPoint)
describe your chosen “game” template.
Show slides on how the game operates.
Each person should describe their “game module”
Discuss any difficulties you had in creating this work and how they were overcome.
Be prepared to answer questions from other teams.
Please go through the document named “ISEM570_Project_R12-2” . In the document, it includes Part 1 and Part 2. In Part 1 it includes Step 1 to Step 5 and In Part 2 it includes Step 6 to Step 10.
Already I did Step 1 and Step 3 from Part 1. Rest of the steps needs to be completed
Topics to be covered:
Change Management and  Continuous Service Improvement
Game Number 5 : Question (Game link:https://tekhnologic.wordpress.com/2016/12/27/10-powerpoint-games/) (https://tekhnologic.wordpress.com/collections/) Screenshot also has been attached for reference purpose.
There are YouTube links for the game in the document named “ISEM570_Project_R12-2”.
Please complete the assignment in a PPT format.

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