What impact do you think a successful vaccine for a chronic illness like Alzheimer’s would have on pricing of the vaccine?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.1.Case Study Content and FormatThe referenced hyperlink points the student to a listing of clinical trials for which industry sponsors are recruiting patients. From this list, select a disease and particular clinical trial that interests you. This will become the basis for your Case Study Analysis. For your analysis, first read the information concerning the objectives and rationale for the clinical trial. Then, provide a listing of questions that you would ask your physician about the clinical trial, with the assumption that you were thinking about participating. Additionally, assuming that you worked for the FDA, what particular questions would you have concerning the trial? Your Case Study analysis must not exceed three (3) double-spaced pages, and is due during Week 6 and 15.www.centerwatch.comHere are the expectations Case StudySelect a different disease and a different clinical trial from www.centerwatch.com
Provide a listing of questions that you would ask your physician about the clinical trial, with the assumption that you were thinking about participating
Provide a listing of questions that the FDA would have concerning the trial.
2. It was recently reported that half a billion FaceBook users had their personal data leaked online.Stolen Data of 533 Million Facebook Users Leaked Online (businessinsider.com)Having said that, my own personal interpretation has been that the reaction of most users was, “Oh well.”Given the above, this week’s “The Clinformation Channel” included the attached article about hackers attacking life sciences companies and their information and productsAgain, are most people saying, “Oh well”? Why? ( 1 paragraph 10-20 sentences)3. In order to succeed in any position within clinical research, we individually need to know our preferred personality type. Using the provided hyperlink, take the brief personality test. Once you have determined your preferred personality style, read further about how these traits both help and hinder our efforts to work with others.http://www.personalitypathways.com/type_inventory.html (1 page)4. 202104 – Recruiting and Hiring in a Post-Covid Environment.pdf summarize this article in 1-2 paragraphs5. As we learn more about the immune system, vaccines have been proposed for a broad spectrum of disorders including Alzheimer’s Disease and addiction. What impact do you think a successful vaccine for a chronic illness like Alzheimer’s would have on pricing of the vaccine?
Do you think that a vaccine against cocaine or heroin, if effective, could be a useful tool in the treatment or prevention of addiction. Please explain your answer. (2 paragraphs)

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