Explain how emotional intelligence impacts an authentic leader’s behavior.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Module 12: Critical Thinking: Authentic Leadership
Authentic leaders are led by
their convictions. The experiences of these leaders are critical in
their development and perceptions (Northouse, 2022, p. 222).Authentic leaders are genuine,
lead with their heart while working toward a vision, and are
consistent. Thinking about authentic leadership, address the following: What are five characteristics of authentic leaders?
Of the characteristics noted, why are these characteristics important for authentic leaders to possess?
Identify an authentic leader and describe how he/she inspires followers.
Explain how emotional intelligence impacts an authentic leader’s behavior.
Identify three steps that you can take to become an emotionally-intelligent, authentic leader.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements: Be
4-5 pages in length (double-spaced), which does not include the title
and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum
Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories
from the textbook and at least three current, scholarly, peer-reviewed
journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five
is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin
Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading.
If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check
tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check–Student Guide for
step-by-step instructions.
In advance of submission, review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

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