Microteaching Lesson Plan

Microteaching Lesson Plan
Language and Literacy: Lesson Plan for Monitoring Comprehension

Reading Comprehension Cognitive Strategy Lesson: Monitoring Comprehension

Template for Teaching Cognitive Strategies
Lesson Plan for Teaching Monitoring Comprehension

1. Provide direct instruction regarding the cognitive strategy.
Visualization – provide pictures of the reading after audio to create a mental picture.

a.     Define and explain the strategy.
Visualizing is the ability to generate pictures in our headsdepending on the words heard or texts read. It enables reading comprehension and is ideal for teaching young students with reading troubles.
First, the grade 3 students will read silently
Play an audiotape of the story
Instruct the students to listen carefully to the audio
The audio will play severally as the students visualize the story in their heads.

b.     Explain the purpose the strategy serves during reading.
Visualization is essential as it makes the student connect to the material, creates a personalized experience, and assists with reading comprehension.
Learners can visualize before, during, and after reading any writing design or type. Mental pictures created help comprehend reading more.

c.     Describe the critical attributes of the strategy.
Mental images accelerate understanding.
It enables comprehension advancement, memory, and learning.
Continuous revision of the mental images by replaying the strategy enables learners to understand better and improve recognition.

d.     Provide concrete examples/non-examples of the strategy.
Picture it is also a way of visualization. The class uses visual elements and pictures to illuminate the structure and discussion of the story and teach vocabulary. The learner understands the characters, problem, the setting, and attempts to provide a solution.
A story map enables the learner to summarize the text, pose and answer questions.

2. Model the strategy by thinking aloud.
It would involve reading the story and thinking aloud about what I am reading.
For example, what can I tell from the cover that may issue clues about the text?
The learners can know what readers do when reading a story with outcomes of better comprehension. Rereading unclear passages or sentences and a slowed-down reading process is key.
Eavesdrop on learners thinking by pointing out unusual sentence construction and new vocabulary. It is important to develop a set of questions such as;
Do I have a mental picture of this story?
What do I think I will learn?
Did I understand the reading?
Did I learn any new information?

3. Facilitate guided practice with students.
After listening silently to the audiotape, students should describe what they have heard. Some should receive opportunities to tell the story. Later, every learner should write a summary of the lesson.
Students can draw characters in the story systematically to the end.
A question and answer forum will be provided.


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