Inferential Statistics


Inferential Statistics

Grove and Cipher
Exercise 29,#2

In the exercise, the null hypothesis states that H0= the age at enrollment cannot be used to predict the time of completion of an RN to BSN program.

Exercise 30, #2-Why have the values changed slightly from the first analysis in the equation.

The values changed because in this sample selection there is the application of randomization of the sample selection and the values are coded as 1 and 0 to indicate the predictor.

Exercise 31, #1, Does the Example data meet the independent sample t-test?

For data to be considered that meets the criteria of an independent t-test it has to show random extraction in other words there is observation independence. The data showed there is independence in observation indicating the sample met the criteria for an independent t-test. There were no outliers that could affect the validity of the t-test in the sample. Homogeneity of variance, and normal distribution is present meaning they meet the criteria for t-test independence.

Exercise 31, #3

The means for the two groups’ weekly wages

Sum (Treatment Group)/n=2327/10=232.7
Sum (Control Group)/n=1284/10=128.4
The numerator for t-test= 232.7-128.4=104.3
Article: Aquarobic exercise
-The target populations to which the statistical analysis can be generalized are Korean patients with osteoarthritis; specifically Korean society with joint and muscle health issues.
Dependent/outcome Variables

-osteoarthritis is the dependent variable.

How the research(s) operationalized Outcome Variable

The research operationalized the variable by assessing it in terms of the self-efficacy of patients through questionnaire administration. Secondly, they tested by applying VAS as a measure of patients when taking the exercises. This was measured on a scale of 0 to 10 which was shown on a ten-centimeter scale from normal to abnormal pain. The third contributor was the weight measurement of the patients with osteoarthritis. This was measured using a body composition analyzer which is a measure approved by the American Food and Administration association. The fourth measure was blood lipid analysis which was done by

Level of Measurement

The tests conducted were measured using the Likert scale that was applied to questionnaires. The researchers focused primarily on the ordinal level of measurement. The participants were given options from 0-to 10 to choose from in their questionnaire.

The main Independent/explanatory Variable in The Study

-The main independent variable in this study is aquarobic exercises. These were divided into five subgenres; lipid level impact on exercise completion, weight, depression, pain, and self-efficacy of the patients.

T-tests Instances

-Instances of t-test included when measuring homogeneity features between experimental and control groups which looked at age in years of patients, educational level, marital status, religion, occupation, income, and health statuses.
-The second instance of the t-test addressed the main study features of the test, pain, self-efficacy, depression, weight, and lipid level.

The null hypothesis for each test

Test 1, Self-efficacy, H0= self-confidence of an osteoarthritis patient is not associated with the completion of aquarobic exercise
Test 2: H0=Pain; The pain of osteoarthritis patient joints is not associated with the completion of aquarobic exercises.
Test 3: Depression; H0=Depression scores of osteoarthritis patients are not associated with their completion of aquarobic exercises
Test 4: Lipid; H0=The cholesterol level in participants blood had no correlation with their completion of aquarobic exercises
Test 5: Weight, H0= The weight of participants with osteoarthritis patients had no effect on their completion of aquarobic exercises.

Probability Value Indication

The p-value helps in defining the chance of getting results as the researcher claims in the null hypothesis and this depends on the type of t-test employed.

In Table 5 Paired T-tests.
Outcome measures That Were Compared in the Two Groups

Across the two groups, the outcome variables that were compared across the two groups were self-efficacy, blood lipid, pain, depression level, and body weight. The outcome variables were compared separately from each other and t-tests were conducted for the mean obtained. For instance, in self-efficacy pretest score was 1,124.87 for the experiment group and the control group pretest mean was 1,166, the post-test values were 1,251.46 for the experimental and 1,018.65 for the control. The two standard means were differentiated and they revealed 126.59 for the experiment and -147.35 for the control.  The t value for the self-efficacy outcome was 4.79 at a p-value of 0.01. The same was repeated for the other variables at different p-values in the study.

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