The impact of COVID-19 particularly on the UAE aviation industry


1.    Introduction – Project Overview
The entire world has been hit by a dangerous disease, over a protracted period, which has negatively impacted on and reduced a significant percentage of the global economic situation.

In particular, the aviation industry was one of the initial businesses impacted by the onset of the pandemic. As Coronavirus is easily transmitted from person-to-person, the virus can spread at an unprecedented rate. This has led to governments across the globe imposing prohibited cross-state travel and transportation bans and restrictions.

The main objective of this research is to assess and determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation industry. The research will focus on the financial impacts of COVID-19 on the UAE aviation business.

2.    Background
The outbreak of pandemic has effectively brought the whole world to a virtual standstill by adversely impacting countries’ economies, plus it has particularly impacted the aviation industry. COVID-19 has emerged as the most serious challenge of the 21st Century.

Since early-2019 to-date, the virus has spread to almost all countries around the world, thereby seriously impacting both socially and economically. The adverse effect has clearly shown how behavioural change can negatively impact the aviation industry regarding air travel. Thus, COVID-19 continues to remain a great threat and a challenge to the global economy.

Its impacts on aviation industries, especially on air travel businesses and their partners cannot be refuted. Social distancing and quarantines have led to a massive decrease in overall travel, and most people now work from home. In consequence, the pandemic has led to reduced activities across all industries.

3.    Literature Review
The proposed study aims to analyse the impact of COVID-19 particularly on the UAE aviation industry. In 2020, COVID-19 turned-out into a fully-blown pandemic, which posed worldwide risk the global economies and human health. The disease was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. It is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Sun et al., 2021). The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on Mar 11, 2020. By Feb 9, 2021, approximately 105.8 million cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed and about 2.3 deaths associated with the disease were reported (Sun et al., 2021). Shelat et al. (2022) state that COVID-19 pandemic is different from other pandemics since the disease has been sustained for a longer period with number variants and cyclical infection.
The pandemic has negatively affected global economy including the aviation economy. The pandemic is said to have resulted in the biggest global recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s (Sun et al., 2021). Millions of people globally have fallen into poverty as a result of this pandemic (Sun et al., 2021). Public transport systems have been hit hard by the pandemic (Shelat et al., 2022).  The aviation industry is considered as the hardest hit of all other industries globally (Sun et al., 2021).  However, Fontanet-Perez et al. (2022), observed that low-cost and ultra-low-cost airlines fared better during COVID-19 pandemic than the full-service network-carriers as far as financial performance is concerned. There was drop in airline passenger demand and complicated by country-wise flight bans. It resulted in halting of airway operations and at the extreme grounding of entire fleets. Many of the airports around the world closed their runways so as to free-up enough space for parking of aircraft (Sun et al., 2021). Some airlines companies cut down their staff and worked with minimum staff levels under strict rotation schedules; as such the pandemic resulting in job losses in the aviation industry (Sun et al., 2021). To cope with COVID-19 pandemic, the most common measures that were adopted by the airline industry include reduction of staff numbers, rationalizing the fleet, and reconfiguration of airline capacity and networks (Diaconu, 2021). Risk aversion behaviour among airline passengers is thought to have contributed to reduction of number of airline passengers during COVID-19 pandemic (Lu et al., 2022). In addition, manufacturers of aircrafts and accessories as well as the downstream industries completely shut -down their production lines.
The aviation sector has been resilient regardless the setbacks in the past. These setbacks include wars in the past, financial crises, earlier diseases (such as SARS.MERS, Ebola, Dengue fever/malaria, and seasonal influenza), and oil crises (Sun et al., 2021). The passenger air transport industry is particularly vulnerable to different forms of external factors including COVID-19 in this case. Apart from being negatively affected by the pandemic, it is paradoxical that the airline industry also contributed significantly to the spread of COVID-19; thus, making it a pandemic (Sun et al., 2021). Overcrowding in public transport systems is thought to increase the risk of infection (Shelat et al., 2022). Sun and colleagues (2021) project that the aviation industry will most likely overcome COVID-19 impacts.  The proposed study will examine the negative impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on UAE aviation industry and determine whether this particular industry has proved resilient.  These issues have not been described by previous studies; hence, the proposed study will fill this research gap.

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