Leadership for Strategic Execution

“The impact transformational leader ship on marketing strategy in health sector “ research question .
Leader ship how it will empact the excution of strategy of the marketing in health sector “ marketing for service provided by health sectors “.
-Research article Instructions and Marking Criteria
What is the content?
What literature am I to review?
What type of work is regarded as ‘literature’?
• In this assignment you are required to submit a critical review of the literature and attempt to identify an issue that has not been fully investigated yet, i.e. a knowledge gap.
• The literature that you intend to review must be in line with the content of the module. That is ‘Leadership’ AND ‘Strategy’ should be central to your investigation. Since these keywords are very broad and electronic database searches will presumably lead to many studies, you are expected to extend your review into a more discrete direction. This can be done via adding more keywords into your research, i.e.
organisation, teams, project management, and so on.
• You are required to cite studies only from Journals that are peer reviewed. The type of studies can be original research articles or review (state of the art) papers. The use of web-based sources other than web-based journals should be avoided to ensure that you only cite the knowledge which was produced using accepted scientific procedures.
What is the number of citations (references) I am supposed to include in my review?
• You are expected to find and use a minimum of 20 studies while no maximum number is given. This does not mean that inclusion of 20 studies in your submission will guarantee you the highest grade. More, we are interested in the quality of your review. We will examine how you use the studies to introduce a background to your topic, synthesise the result of previous works to demonstrate the knowledge gap (problem formulation), and finally indicate further directions to research.
What should be the sections of my literature review?
Your literature review should ideally consist of following sections:
• Background – This is the section where you introduce the readers the general information
in the domain. Try to address the broad considerations and the reasons why researchers
focus on studying topics related to leadership, strategy, etc.
• Critical review – In this section depart from your general ideas and try to direct your
readers into more specific topics. Therefore, your way of reasoning should be deductive: from general to more specific. Thematic groupings will be extremely useful to deliver an effective one. For example, try to respond what has recently been researched in the leadership. Recall that we already highlighted the importance of leadership research in background. In this section our intention is to provide a survey of more recent works. This is of very important because only if you know the latest work then you will be able to detect a knowledge gap in the literature.
• Problem statement – You can refer that as the conclusion of your review. What have you found in your critical assessment? Based on your research, what is the knowledge gap? Try to start this section with short summary of the critical review section which is followed by ‘knowledge gap indicator’ statement generally starts with ‘however’ (i.e. results from previous research provides little or no evidence in ……)
• References (and citations) – You must use Harvard reference style for the entire manuscript. In-text citations must be used throughout, and full references included at the end of the document as a separate section.
• What should be the length of the manuscript? – Word count of the body text should be 2,000 (+/-10%) words. Title – front matter (author ID number, affiliation etc.) – abstract – keywords – references are not included in the word count.
-Assignment objectives and marking criteria by %
1. Background and Aim. 10%
2. Critical Review. 45%
3. Problem statement. 25%
4. Presentation of the research article including writing quality and adherence to format template ” research style templete ” ill send you an example of the fromat ,, 10%
5. Accuracy and number of references. ‘ harvard style not less than 20 peer reviewd article from academic journals only ” 10%
Word count is 2000, please devide the words taking into consideration the percantage wheight mentioned above
-The paper should include the folowing
1-Abstract (not included in words count )
2-Keywords ” index term ” (not included in words count )
3- Table of content (not included in words count)
4-” Research background ” Introduction (Background and Aim. 10%)
5-Body (Critical Review. 45%)
critical literature review
A-leader ship
B- strategy
Leader ship and strategy execution
Role of leader ship in strategy execution
Leader ship style ( transformational style talk about pro and con of it and why we choose it ) and strategy execution ( pro and con )
Internal resitance and strategy execution
Other barriers and stategy execution
Mangment envolvment and strategy execution
Interpersonal relation and strategy excution
Recent research limitation
6- (Problem statement. 25%)
Based on performed literture review if found gaps
Recent research limitation
7-Conclusion and recomendation
8-refrences (not included in words count ) all refrences need to be peer reviewed artcles from academic journals only
9-research plan (not included in words count )
Please be aware that these learning outcomes need to be achived
1. Critically appraise the impact of strategic execution and leadership.
2-Critically evaluate the meaning of hard and soft issues, and how the two can be integrated into a strategic project management framework.
3- Develop a critical awareness of strategic planning, goal setting, stakeholder management, organisational culture and teams.

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