Assessment and Evaluation Activities

This Assignment will include your findings from Units 4 & 6 which are (uploaded).
Assignment should include:
1. A title page with the title of your project (assessment and evaluation activities), your name,
name of this course (Community Health Assessment), and LIU University. Also a line with “date submitted”
Titles for each section (example: U.S. Census data on ____ county in the state of _____).
Include questions 1-5 from Assignment 4.
The health assessment you designed in Assignment 6.
Add the information you have discovered to this point in other projects and compile the
information about one health concern of relevance in your community (example: Hear Disease).
6. Using the health concern of your choice (the same one throughout this project) describe how you will gather data for your health assessment (interview, focus groups, or whatever methods you feel are appropriate).
7. Using the US Census information on your community, complete the health assessment information. You may need to fill in certain information that you may not have on hand (such as that you might gather through interviews or focus groups).
8. After you have completed the health assessment section, evaluate your information. (Consult Chapter 13 in your book and look up a reliable example of a health promotion evaluation on the Internet.) Use the link below for a guidepost for your evaluation. A good informational website to help with evaluation is
9. Uploaded you will find worksheets to help you think about who your health evaluation will affect. This was taken from planner/Step1.pdf Complete and add this to your assignment. This portion should include a plan of action.
10. A reference page with your academic sources of information. You should use your textbook as one resource, and include at least 4 other academic sources. TEXT BOOK IS ESSENTIALS OF HEALYH BEHAVIOR?ISBN 978-0-7637-3796-2
How exactly you compile the material is up to you, but remember to give details and to submit material that is organized in thought, has a professional look, in a logical order, and is thorough. Check over your work before submitting to assure clarity, order, and accuracy. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will also be graded. As long as you include the areas above, you may order the information as you wish as long as it flows and is rational. Each component of the assignment should be organized in thought, have a professional look, in a logical order, and be thorough.

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