Different topics for each SLP Project

The Session Long Project (SLP) for this course requires that you complete a matrix in which you align common characteristics of the research process to each research methodology identified (see below). You will also write a narrative essay to accompany this matrix, in which you describe the research characteristics and their applicability to each specific quantitative and qualitative research methodology.
The overall Session Long Project consists of four module assignments. You will complete a portion of the matrix in each module, and also submit a 3- to 4-page accompanying essay for each module.
Successful completion of the Session Long Project will produce a matrix that is completely filled-in with information, and a 12- to 16-page accompanying narrative essay.
You must complete the matrix below as you proceed through the course. The Session Long Project assignment will describe the portion of the matrix to be completed each module.
The Matrix can be thought of as a study guide or a handout that can be used as the direction for writing a research paper. Not all of the cells will require a great deal of writing, but if simply writing Dependent or Independent does not explain the relevance, then write what is required. You will not need this in each cell, but provide an explanation in cells as needed for clarity of idea(s). References and citations will be required for some of the cells. Be complete in your work; if you have a future research course or if you were to share the matrix with a friend, could it be used as you have developed it?
Submitting Your Assignments
You must submit each module’s SLP assignment (including the progressively completed matrix and accompanying 3- to 4-page essay) at the same time that you submit each module’s Case Assignment.
The following sections will contribute to your overall SLP narrative essay:
Module 1 – Overview of the Research Process (Including: Types of Research and Examples of Research Methodologies)
Module 2 – Research Questions, Variables, and Types of Data
Module 3 – Role of Literature Review in the Research Process
Module 4 – Data Collection and Data Analysis
In Module 4 you will combine all prior SLP module assignments and the new Module 4 assignment, as well as an introduction, conclusion, and bibliography, into one final document.
Each module of the Session Long Project will receive a grade and feedback. The final collated (or “combined”) document will receive a final project grade in Module 4.
Submitting Your Assignments
You must submit each module’s SLP assignment (including the progressively completed matrix and accompanying 3- to 4-page essay) at the same time that you submit each module’s Case Assignment.
Module 1 has been completed:
I will attach the paper and matrix.
Please go to the next Module which is Module 2.
FIRST, fill in the matrix with information pertaining to the following items:
• identify the type of research represented by each methodology listed in the matrix (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods)
• describe the purpose of each research methodology listed in the matrix
• provide an example of a research problem for each methodology listed in the matrix
SECOND, write a 3- to 4-page narrative essay in which you address the following items:
• discuss what constitutes a research problem
• compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research and qualitative research
Include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 1 SLP assignment and informs the reader of the ideas to be discussed.
Follow APA format and style requirements, and include an APA-formatted reference list.
Remember, in Module 4 you will combine all prior SLP module assignments and the new Module 4 assignment, as well as an overall introduction, conclusion, and bibliography, into one final document.
Your task for the Module 2 SLP assignment is twofold:
FIRST, fill-in the matrix with information pertaining to the following items:
• describe the type of research question(s) appropriate for each research methodology listed in the matrix
• identify the type of variable(s) appropriate for each methodology listed in the matrix, and the type of data these variables may represent
SECOND, write a 3- to 4-page narrative essay in which you discuss strengths and weaknesses of various types of research questions. Please include discussion of the following items:
• compare and contrast the three primary types of research questions most often used in quantitative research (i.e., descriptive, relational, and causal)
• describe best practices or tips for composing strong qualitative research questions.
Include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 2 SLP assignment and informs the reader of the ideas to be discussed.
Also, please follow the APA format and style requirements, and include an APA-formatted reference list.
Remember, in Module 4 you will combine all prior SLP module assignments and the new Module 4 assignment, as well as an overall introduction, conclusion, and bibliography, into one final document.
Your task for the Module 3 SLP assignment is twofold:
FIRST, fill-in the matrix with information pertaining to the following item:
• describe the “role” of literature review for each methodology listed in the matrix; for example, does the literature review play a major or minor role?
SECOND, write a 3- to 4-page narrative essay in which you address the following items:
• compare and contrast the role of literature review in quantitative studies vs qualitative studies; identify the type of research in which literature review plays a bigger role and describe why this is so.
Please be sure to include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 3 SLP assignment and informs the reader of the ideas to be discussed.
Also, please follow the APA format and style requirements, and include an APA-formatted reference list.
Remember, in Module 4 you will combine all prior SLP module assignments and the new Module 4 assignment, as well as an overall introduction, conclusion, and bibliography, into one final document.
Your task for the Module 4 SLP assignment is twofold:
FIRST, fill-in the matrix with information pertaining to the following items:
• Identify the type and size of the sample population appropriate for each research methodology listed in the matrix.
• Describe the data collection instruments and techniques appropriate for each research methodology listed in the matrix; be sure to check that the designated data collection instrument is indeed collecting the type of data identified in Module 2 as appropriate for that methodology and variables (i.e., categorical data vs. continuous data vs. text or images).
• Identify data analysis techniques that are appropriate for quantitative and qualitative research methodologies; include concepts of T-test, ANOVA, and regression analysis (for quantitative studies) and open-coding for qualitative analysis.
• Describe the extent to which “findings” of each methodology are valid and robust; describe whether researcher bias is a concern with any of the methodologies listed.
SECOND, combine all your previous module SLP essays into one narrative document, and add your final 3- to 4-page discussion that addresses the following item:
• Often, educational researchers cannot find predetermined or pre-existing validated instruments to use in their study; in that case, describe the processes involved with creating one’s own questionnaire, piloting it, and validating its contents. Remember to include a description of how the researcher must operationalize key concepts to begin the process.
(See presentation titled A Tutorial on Pilot Studies for more information on this topic.)
• Compare and contrast the following statistical analysis tests: T-test, ANOVA, and regression analysis.

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