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Home » You are the president of your neighborhood civic league

You are the president of your neighborhood civic league

    1. You are the president of your neighborhood civic league. Recently, the civic league has been inundated with questions about a proposed affordable housing development on a property owned by the city that is adjacent to your neighborhood. At the last civic league meeting, a neighborhood resident asked if affordable housing is the same as public housing. And, should the civic league oppose or support the development? What is your response and provide three reasons for opposing or supporting the development. Note: Use your minds eye to envision the proposed development and use that vision to direct your response!
    2. Lets assume that you just received a modest inheritance from a much loved relative and you want to invest the inheritance in a residential rental property. What type of property will you buy (for example, a live/work loft, condominium, single-family house, etc.)? Provide the rationale for your choice from an investment point of view. In other words, why do you think your choice is the best investment for you? Also, discuss the specific demographic you are targeting for the rental of your property?
    3. Some urbanologists portent the end of the suburbs. They contend that Americans are really tired of the suburban lifestyle. Review the arguments of one urbanologist who contends the suburbs are losing their appeal. What do you think? Why? (10 points)
    4. Your mother just informed you of her desire to age-in-place.You are genuinely concerned about her choice in that she is now 75 years of age and was really dependent on your father who died about three months ago. You have other siblings who really dont understand what your mother is requesting. Your task is to explain your mothers request to your siblings and advise them as to whether you think it is something that the family should support. Provide a very clear rationale for supporting or opposing your mothers request. (10 points)
    5. Affordability is a key concern in housing development for the vast majority of Americans. Review the article in the link below. Is this a viable option for addressing the housing affordability problem? Provide your rationale. (10 points)
    6. Localities often give housing developers incentives to produce affordable housing. Should increased density be an incentive? If not, why? If yes, why? (10 points)
    7. If you could afford any house you want, would you choose a multigenerational design? Why or why not?
    8. One housing subsidy granted to homeowners is the federal income tax deduction. Should this deduction be eliminated entirely for upper-income individuals and households? How do you define upper income?
    9. Your textbook, The New Shape of Suburbs, covers both conventional and new urbanist communities, of which there are 10 principles of new urbanism. Of the new urbanists communities profiled in the textbook, which one did you like the most? Identify the new urbanist principles that are most prominent in the community you selected.
    10. Zoning considerations address a number of factors in community development, to include density and building height (measured in feet or number of floors). What should be the maximum density and building height for a single-family house in your ideal neighborhood? Would you be willing to make concessions on density and height for reduced prices?

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