Compose an essay considering how a phenomenological approach might or might not

Compose an essay considering how a phenomenological approach might or might not benefit your individual design process.
Begin with articulating your understanding of phenomenology and explaining your own design process (perhaps illustrated by your own idea-generating sketches and words for a particular project). At this point, keep the two separate from one another and examine them on their own merits.
Then, combine the two—your individual design process with a phenomenological approach to design. Consider how this approach might work with your own design process and the impact that it would have upon this process. Discuss both the pros and cons of this integration.
Finally, conclude as to whether or not a phenomenological approach has a place in your design process and whether or not you will work toward integrating this approach or continue without it.
To ensure a thorough assessment, you are required to cite at least three sources in your essay. Be sure to cite these sources using APA format.
Please refer the notes I have attached for more information

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