1. Use Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory to explain the roles of the microsyste

1. Use Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory to explain the roles of the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and the chronosystem as they relate to human development. To receive full credit, you must explain/define what each system is and how each system influences the other systems.
2. Define the following terms/concepts.
A. Nature versus Nurture
B. Longitudinal Study
C. Young-old and Old-Old
D. Cohort
E. Normative Life Transition – Define and give 2 examples of a normative life transition.
Instructions: A minimum of two paragraphs or 10 complete
sentences are required. Each paragraph should consist a minimum of 5 sentences. Most
of your journal assignments will have several questions to answer. Read each journal
assignment carefully before you answer the questions. Don’t assume the answers are
found on one page in the chapter you are working. In order to receive full credit, make
sure you answer each part of the questions asked.

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