The Ultimate Marketing Machine Article Review Samples

The introduction of technology has changed marketing approaches in the modern organizations. Swaan, Driest, and Weed (4) argued that despite the presence of more advanced techniques of operating businesses today, many firms are yet to understand and implement technology in their operations. Instead of organizational leaders spending more time strategizing on how to develop a more effective organization structure, they should focus on the time of values and goals to add to an organization to win the global competition. Swaan, Driest, and Weed make true claims when they claim marketers face challenges engaging with customers because they have not yet absorbed the modern marketing techniques.
On the other hand, customer experience plays a significant role in increasing sales in the organization. Creating customer experience entails having close relationships with customers and educating them on the use and application of new technologies in ordering and purchasing goods. New marketing roles have evolved with technological advancement that encourages customer interaction through online communities and social media. Organizations such as McDonalds, Unilever, Coca-cola, and Shiseido achieve high profits and tremendous growth because of using modern marketing machines made possible by technology (Swaan, Driest, and Weed 10).
High performing organizations use the ultimate marketing machine that composes of cross functioning, brand strategy, and global interactions. The survey explained by Swaan, Driest, and Weed (5) revealed that organizations that utilized the ultimate marketing machine experienced a higher growth rate than those that ignored it. Additionally, brand strategy characterized by purpose-based positions helps boost sales in the organization. High performing organizations globally undertake effective marketing and production strategies applicable in the modern business environment. Most effective methods of achieving high performance in the organization include effective communication with clients, knowing the purpose of customers, and delivering rich customer experience. Other additional recommendations include training staff to equip them with technological knowledge, and developing a functional organization structure capable of delivering business goals.

Work Cited

Swaan, Marc De., Driest, Frank Van De, and Weed Keith. “The Ultimate Marketing Machine.”
Harvard Business Review. August 2014

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