
 Research paper on local issues in New Orleans, La   Some topics that have been done well in the past include: • Coastal erosion and restoration • Veterans Issues • Homelessness • Bicycling • Causes of crime in New Orleans/Gun violence • Noise ordinances • Charter Schools • Food desert/the food supply: something wrong with our food? • Community organizations • Gentrification • The prison system • Tourism (endless angles to take here). • Offshore oil drilling • Poverty • Employment • Housing bubble/Airbnb • Architecture • City Planning • Music • Culture • Food In no way are you limited to a particular topic, as long as you can make a clear argument on its behalf- that’s the key. It’s not enough to just provide information. We need to be making a claim, attempting to convince the reader that our argument/analysis is legitimate. So, take pride in choosing your topic, and remember why we write—to give form and language to our feelings and convictions, and to, through writing, come to a more intimate and thorough understanding of ourselves and of the world. 

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