Need Nutrition Homework Help

Assignment 1:  Write a 250- to 450-word goal statement discussing your current and future health and fitness status. Include the following in your goal statement: Discuss your current health and fitness status and identify how nutrient intake affects your health. Discuss your health and fitness concerns. Identify a health and fitness goal you would like to achieve. Submit your goal statement to your instructor. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.  Assignment 2:  Part A: Analyzing a Food Label   Complete the table below by filling in the requested items. Use the food label of your favorite snack to obtain the information needed. Name of Product   Serving Size   Number of servings per container-package     Amount Per Serving Calories   Fat calories   Grams of fat   Amount of unsaturated fat   Amount of saturated fat   Amount of trans fat   Amount of sodium (salt)   Grams of protein   Grams of carbohydrates   Grams of Fiber                            

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