American Government

Partisan considerations have increasingly influenced the selection of federal judges. Interest groups on the right and the left have insisted on the appointment of judges who hold compatible views. Presidents and members of Congress have also increasingly sought appointees who will decide issues in ways they prefer. With such influences, do you believe that justice can truly be blind or, in other words, impartial? Why, or why not? Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.” ALSO PLEASE REPLY TO ANOTHER STUDENTS COMMENT BELOW  NATHAN: I believe that judicial impartiality is possible only when it comes to issues that are non-partisan issues or issues that are very low on the list of potential hot topics.  When there are issues that are hot political issues, impartiallity has become non-existant.  Judges that are appointed are appointed to give favorable outcomes on the issues that refelct those that appointed them.  

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